Posts about “Cafe”

Fresh Fish Series: Black Cod!

Hello again my fresh fish friends! Today’s chapter in our series is all about Black Cod. Or is it called Sablefish, or Butterfish or Candlefish or… ? The list of names for this flaky deliciousness goes on. At Ray’s you’ll hear it referred to as Sablefish or Black Cod. The versatility of this fish is… Read More >>

Ray’s ’30th Fire Anniversary’ May 26-28!

30 years ago this May 26, Ray’s Boathouse burned to the ground leaving little left but a few tables, chairs and our iconic Ray’s sign. We rebuilt and came back stronger than ever. Now 30 years later we are commemorating this defining day in our history with a Fire Celebration at Ray’s!  Bring the whole family to join… Read More >>

Fresh Fish Series: Copper River Salmon Is Here!

Copper River Salmon is here! Not so fast. We’ll be waiting on edge all day today to find out if the salmon are out there. Yesterday, the fishing fleets headed a couple of hours away from Cordova, AK to the mouth of the Copper River delta.  Most scouted the area yesterday looking for the best spots… Read More >>

Fresh Fish Series: NW salmon season has arrived!

Fresh fish season is rollin’! The 2017 salmon season opens today. What do you know about salmon? We may turn to the ol’ “interwebs” to discover salmon is full of the omega fat we prefer to eat, and that king salmon is the biggest in the family. You’ll read that they are born from eggs… Read More >>

Mother’s Day at Ray’s May 14!

Make your Mother’s Day Boathouse and Cafe reservations before they go! Enjoy Seattle’s best seafood restaurant as you treat mom to a beautiful brunch or dinner at Ray’s this Sunday, May 14. Bask in our gorgeous views of the Olympic Mountains while you dine atop Puget Sound. For Boathouse reservations call 206.789.3770 or click here. For Cafe reservations call 206.782.0094 or click here…. Read More >>

Ray’s Loyalty Member donates 80+ Meals to Mary’s Place

In the spirit of helping our community thrive and ‘caring through loyalty’, we continue our partnership with Mary’s Place in 2017! In a wonderful act of charitable giving we teamed up with one of our most loyal guests who anonymously offered to donate its family’s Loyalty Card points to offset the cost of dinner for 80+ people at… Read More >>

#RaysRewind: Our Family Tree

Ray’s Boathouse & Cafe has a rich and broad history in the local culinary and beverage scene. We’ve had so many incredible employees walk through our doors over the last 40+ years and it’s humbling to look at how far our roots stretch. So many people have started at Ray’s and gone on to build amazing businesses, found local events… Read More >>

Fresh Fish Series: Halibut!

Kicking off our Fresh Fish Series on the Ray’s blog is….. Halibut! Halibut season has taken off this year with no short supply.  Fleets are fishing from Kodiak Island, to South East Alaska, and through British Columbia.  We’ve been filleting beautiful fish this season and halibut is forecasted to be plentiful now through October. We’ve also just heard from our local… Read More >>

Ode to Our Fishermen

If there is one thing that I can put my finger on as the main reason for our 44 years of success it would be the fisherman. The fisherman, deckhands, fishing communities that support the fleets, and the families that watch their children, spouses, and parents go out to the unforgiving sea to earn a… Read More >>

We blind tasted 14 rare WA Wines & here’s what happened

What is old is new again? I admit it. I am guilty of holding on to my silk paisley ties that were fashionable many years ago in hopes that they would be stylish enough to wear again. Certain things never go out of style, right?  OK, I admit I know close to nothing about fashion… Read More >>